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Take the free #PodlifeChallenge today. Podcasting is the #1 way to build your personal brand.
Don’t waste your money on coaches or your time on courses. The best first step is to start. Get into a rhythm, follow the simple steps I’ll send you, and get the reps in.
Once you sign up, you’ll get access to the step-by-step actions to take each week over the next 30 days to start your podcast. The best part is you’ll be part of a community supporting your progress, and I’ll give free coaching along the way.
By the end of the 30 days, you’ll be ready to launch a podcast for real or you can keep practicing!
You can choose to make your podcast posts public or just private to the group, so there is no public exposure until you are ready. Think of it like working out in your living room until you are ready to join the gym!
I look forward to seeing your progress and being a part of your journey. It’s exactly how I got started. I recorded over 30 podcast episodes before I was ready to launch my real podcast. That launch hit the “new and noteworthy” on itunes and is a top 100 marketing podcast.
You can check out my journey at and learn more about me!
But first… FILL OUT YOUR INFO BELOW to join the Podlife Challenge!!!
podlife challenge