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Audience Targeting Using Facebook with Paul Ramondo | Ep. 139

Ep 139 Feature Graphic

Today we learn how to go deep into audience targeting with Facebook. Discover how to get the most out of an ad campaign, drive your costs down, and drive your conversions up. Understanding these campaigns will give you a marketing flywheel that will continue to drive revenue into your business. 

We learn from an expert in this field, Paul Ramondo. Paul is a sought after keynote speaker on the topics of digital and social media marketing. 

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He’s the CEO of Ramondo Media, which is a boutique digital shop. You can also check out his website at for more videos on Facebook ads. 

He spent the last decade of his life executing digital and social marketing strategies for national and global brands that operate within Australia.

Some of these brands include Porsche, Red Bull, Choice Hotels Barao, and Australian Sports Nutrition. During this time Paul’s campaigns have consistently achieved insane results in ROI, such as turning a $16,000 Facebook ad spend into $250,000 and more of revenue in just a month.

That’s the kind of guy you want on your team, the guy who has done the actual work, and has figured out how to teach it to you. 


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:03:35] Today we’re talking about Facebook, which in my opinion is one of the strongest tools out there still today that people are neglecting and not getting right. Why is Facebook such a useful tool in our lead generation toolkit, especially right now?

Paul Romando: [00:04:43] Facebook is literally one of the best, if not the best marketing tool and advertising tool available ever in the history of marketing and advertising. 

The amount of data that Facebook (whether you’re happy about it or not) has on yourself, your loved ones, your friends and everyone you’re connected to in your network is astronomical. 


When you think about how you can leverage that data to effectively generate leads or effectively sell to your audience with hyper-targeted ads, it is so powerful, especially when you know how to do it correctly.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:05:23] Obviously Facebook is not new. For most people listening, they’ve heard the trumpeting of Facebook and a lot of them still haven’t tried it. Or maybe they did try it and it didn’t work. They keep it going, but they’re just not getting what they want out of it. 

It seems like they make it user friendly, but it is difficult. Why would you say it is difficult to execute it successfully?

Paul Romando: [00:05:56] There are so many variables that go into a successful Facebook ad campaign. We’ll just have a look at the skills and the bare basics of a simple campaign. 

You’ve got the campaign. What kind of campaign do you use? Do you use a conversion campaign? What is a conversion campaign?

Do you do a video views campaign? Do you do a page post engagement campaign, a traffic campaign? There are so many options from the very get-go. 


I think the first obstacle that people have to overcome is understanding the technicalities behind using Facebook. What the differences between campaigns are and the different campaign types. 

That is going to vary based on the goals that you have for your business, whether that be lead gen or generating sales or generating awareness.

Then you’ve got to work out, cool, I understand the campaign stuff. What is this ad set stuff about? What do I do with the ad set level? 

Who am I targeting? We do that in the ad set, right? Am I targeting people who have been to my website, am I retargeting? What is retargeting?

Am I targeting people based on their sociographic and psychographic and demographic profiles based on their interests? How do I do that? 


Then once you’ve done that, what kind of ad do I create? Do I do a video ad? What dimensions for the video ad should I use? Should I do a photo ad or should I do a carousel ad? What is a carousel ad? There are so many cascading questions at each level of the build. 

Once you understand all those, or you get your head around all of the technical aspects of running an ad and building a campaign, building an ad set with audience targeting, and then building out the ads, you’re then going to work out, how do I optimize the ads to the best performance? 

How do I get an effective return on ad spend? In doing that, you’ve got to work out, how do I even track return on ad spend? What’s the Facebook pixel? 

Let’s say you’ve got all the technical stuff. You’ve dotted all those i’s and crossed all those t’s. What’s the best strategy and how do I go about scaling? 


I guess when I put it that way, it can be a bit overwhelming for the advertiser that’s trying out for the first time. Maybe then they’ll think, “Oh, I don’t have any money. I’m just a startup. I don’t think Facebook ads work, or I’ve tried Facebook ads and they don’t work.”


It’s a lot. I’m getting overwhelmed just even trying to explain it. I mean, I’ve been doing Facebook ads since before Facebook went public. I’m just thinking now of all of the tricks, tips, hacks, theories, and experience I picked up over the past eight years. It’s just nuts. 

I can understand the overwhelm that a lot of advertisers have, especially starting out must feel when it comes to running Facebook ads. 

However, I tell you what, on the other side of all that overwhelm and all of that stuff that you need to learn are some incredible results. Some of the best results you’d ever be able to generate for your business in terms of lead gen and sales.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:08:40] We’re obviously not going to be able to help people figure out all of the different nuances of a Facebook ad today. Can we hone in on the audience targeting piece? What is the beginning of audience targeting?

Paul Romando: [00:10:12] Audienc targeting is one of my favorite topics to talk about because if your targeting is off, the rest of the campaign is going to flop if you haven’t taken the time. 

The first thing you need to do is one, give yourself permission to take the time to really sit down and figure out who your target audience is. 

You need to work out, at a granular level, who your perfect avatar that you’re going to be running these ads to is.

You need to know them better than you know yourself, better than you know your mom, better than you know your spouse. 

I appreciate I was speaking in hyperbole, but realistically, in a perfect world, you really need to know who your avatar is. You need to know who you’re speaking to because if you don’t, then you may as well just throw dollar bills out the window. That’s essentially what you are doing with your Facebook ads. 


If you’re just pressing boost on your posts to your page likes, or to people that have engaged with your page, and you’re not actively prospecting new customers that you’ve discovered through the interest research that you’ve done (based on the avatar profile that you’re wanting to target based on what you’re trying to sell,) you’re going to lose and you’re going to end up wasting money.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:11:23] Can we talk about how you go about taking some of those steps? I feel like you have a unique way of actually doing the research. What are some of the things that you do to help?


Paul Romando: [00:11:57] Again, it sort of starts with the avatar. Working out how old they are, where they live, what they’re interested in, what kind of podcasts they listen to, what kind of shows they watch. What kind of SAS based tools they use during their working day.

What are their aspirational pain points? What are their psychological profiles? What pain are they trying to run away from? Or what pain are they trying to fix in their lives? What aspiration are they trying to achieve and what are they running towards? 

Those are going to be very highly relevant for you in terms of working out how to target and what motivates your avatar to buy.


Once you basically worked out all of the demographic, sociographic, and the psychographic interests and motivators for your avatar, you then use that as a platform to start your interest targeting research inside of Facebook.

I like to use the tool which has unfortunately not been updated in years. It’s called the Audience Insights tool on Facebook. 

target audience

Inside the Audience Insights tool, you can get so many suggestions for interests that you can target inside of Facebook that are relevant to that avatar. 

Give me an example of a business that’s trying to generate leads. That’s probably easier than me trying to think of something.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:13:16] I can do that. This will be fun. I just talked to a guy today who started a subscription box company for new parents. For the first three months after the kid is born, you get a box with all the essential stuff that the newborn needs in it. It goes on from there.


Paul Romando: [00:13:59] Cool. Alright perfect. Here we go, fam.

We go into that Audience Insights tool. We’ve got to work out who is buying this box? Is it the mum or is it a dad? I’m going to hazard a guess, probably the mum.

Let’s just use the mum as the avatar for this example. The mum could be anywhere between the ages of eighteen to say fifty. Let’s say that she lives in the United States. 

Then what you want to do in your Audience Insights section, which you can access through Ads Manager, just press a little dropdown on the top left-hand corner and go to Audience Insights.


You plugged in that information. Then you want to plug in some more demographic information about her. You want to tick that she’s a parent. Then you want to tick the subcategory for her being a parent with a newly born. 

I think that one of those options is you can choose that she’s a parent and then choose that she is a parent of a kid that is between the ages of zero and three years old.

So immediately you’ve taken the three hundred million people in the United States on Facebook, and you’ve narrowed it down to a subset of that audience, which has the attributes of your specific avatar. 

Just for argument sake, say that there are ten million women between the ages of eighteen and forty or fifty, (whatever I said) that have newly born kids in the United States at the moment. 

You’ve now narrowed that three hundred million person audience down to ten million people. Now in audience insights, what you can do is go and click that as your basic avatar targeting. 


Now you want to start refining that avatar. In audience insights, you can go up and you can click on a section called page likes. You want to click on that. 

Under the page likes, it’s going to show you all of these recommended pages that people (mothers and newborns) like, and that they follow on Facebook. 

You basically want to start noting down some of the ones that are most relevant to your avatar. There could be a bunch of mommy blog pages that show up. Or there could be a bunch of baby-related products that show up in their page-like suggestions. You just want to note those down. 

Then you want to start building out a Google sheet of all of these potential interests that you can target. 


You want to be more exploratory with your research as well. You might see an idea from a mommy blog that’s recommended to you based on the audience insights data. 

Then you might want to open up a new tab on Facebook. Use Facebook’s graph search and find pages similar or pages liked by people who like this (insert mommy blog page). Then you get to see what the suggestions are that pop up.


You take those suggestions and add those to your Google sheet. You might find those mommy blog pages on Facebook and think, “Oh, I wonder if they’ve got an Instagram account?” 

Go over to Instagram and search for it. Okay, cool, follow it. Then you can press a little dropdown on both Instagram mobile and Instagram desktop to see that people who follow this account also follow these accounts. 

What you’re doing is basically using a seed interest that you found from the audience insights and then finding similar pages through Instagram and Facebook followed by people that follow that first seed page to get more suggestions, to further influence your research. 

Then it’s a matter of rinse and repeating. Then you could also think, “Oh, cool. Well, what are some products that mothers typically use, especially for newly born infants?” Start Googling.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:17:27] Let’s take a pause there because I think that’s going to be another road we go down. 

Why I wanted to stop is that I think that at every point in this journey you took us on is a place where the non-experienced person doing it for themselves would usually stop.

For example, you defined your avatar. You don’t just mirror it. You take the next step. You put it into this audience insights tool. You find the pages that they like. That’s where they might’ve stopped. 

Then you went to similar pages. That’s where maybe the next person might have stopped. Then you looked at the people who they are following, and that’s when the next person might have stopped. You keep going. 

I’m excited to see where this keeps on going because I think that’s what people aren’t seeing. Maybe that’s why they aren’t getting what they want out of these campaigns.

There is this extra level of granularity that you’re not going to get if you’re doing it on your own without the right education. I appreciate you bringing some of that to the table today.


Paul Romando: [00:18:34] Oh, my pleasure. If you want to get more nerdy, I’m just warming up, my guy!

Basically, as we’ve gone through all these steps, we’ve started to accumulate in our Google sheets all of these potential interests, right? What you’ll find as you’re accumulating these interests is that you’ll start having your brain fire out random ideas.

As you do more research, more research begets more research. What’s really fun is you could be banging your head up against the wall, thinking, “I don’t know what else I could find for potential interest targeting. Oh, this sucks, this sucks.”

Then you might stumble upon a Facebook page, and that recommended Facebook page is Pandora’s box. From there you just snowball and you say, “Oh my God, I could target this, and oh, what about that idea?”

You basically want to just keep at it and build out as many potential interests in this Google sheet as possible.


Once you’ve done that, you want to take those interests in the Google sheet and you want to start plugging them into Audience Insights. 

Just because there’s a page on Facebook with about a hundred thousand followers that might be in your target audience (for mommy bloggers or for mums with newly born infants) doesn’t mean that you can target them as an interest on Facebook.

narrow your target

Your next step is taking that big sheet of interests that we found through our research and plugging them into your potential interest targeting inside audience insights. 

Let’s say you have a hundred interests that you’ve gathered throughout this whole process. You might only be able to target forty of them.

You want to start adding them in. We’ve still got the demographic and the sociographic targeting set. It’s still mums between the ages of eighteen and forty or fifty that live in the United States. Parents of zero to three-year-olds. 


Then you want to start adding all these interests in. As you’re adding the interest in, there’s going to be a score on the right-hand side, which is called Page Affinity. 

Now, as you add these interests in, you want to pay very special attention to the Page Affinity, because Page Affinity is a measure of how likely someone in your targeted audience that you’re building is to respond to your ads compared to everyone else on Facebook.

I’ll say it again. How likely someone in your targeted audience that you’re building is likely to respond positively to your ads compared to everyone else on Facebook. 

As you’re building up this interest targeting, you want to make sure that at the very least you’re affinity score isn’t dropping. If you’re doing it right, your affinity score should be increasing. 

I’ve built targeting profiles where the first few recommended pages in my affinity have come up to 7,657. People in this audience has 7,657 times more likely to respond positively (this is cold traffic, by the way,) to my ads compared to everyone else on Facebook. 


Now we’ll take another step further up. You keep doing that. You rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. As you refine your audience, what you will find in the interest targeting are way more relevant suggestions for pages or for interests to target for your target audience.

You rinse and repeat. You’re thinking, “Cool. I’ve just built out this really automized targeting list, but now I’ve got even more interests in Like More pages that I could potentially target, which I never thought existed, or we never even thought were possible to target.”

You can take those, you add those to your Google sheet and you add them in. You start the process again, and then you add those into your interest targeting sheet. 

You basically want to build that out until you’ve built out an audience of anywhere between 250,000 and 1 million people. That’s not a rule of thumb, but that’s going to be basically what you’re aiming for.

It’s going to be very different depending on your niche. Could be very different depending on your geographic region. It’s also going to be variable to whether you’re in a product-based business or a market-based business.

That’s basically, in a nutshell, the kind of process that I go through in terms of cold interest targeting.

RELATED: Build your personal brand with the Content Marketing Starter Guide.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:23:41] When you have all this data, as you’re building this Google sheet that you’re talking about, Paul, are you adding them all up together and saying, “That’s my target?”

I know it’s different than that. You start to run tests. Where does testing come into this? How do you start to weigh one thing versus another to find out what succeeds?

Paul Romando: [00:24:40] Let’s say we built out this really high affinity, cold target audience based on our avatar. Let’s say there are a million people in that audience. 


What you then want to do is take those interests and take those million people. You want to plug it into your ad set for testing. Let’s say you’re doing a lead gen campaign or a traffic campaign. 

You choose the campaign setting, and then you want to go into your ad set level. We have a million people. If you’ve got a million people, you want to basically take your interests and you want to build out about four ad sets. 

divide into groups

You’ve got a million people, so you want to basically split those interests up. You don’t need to categorize them. You just want to have the same top-level audience targeting and then populate your ad sets with about 250,000 people in each ad set, right? 


Inside of that ad set, you want to have a bunch of different ads, say two or three ads, and you split test two or three different versions of the same ad. Have the same kind of call to action, but different headline copy, different imagery. 

Basically in each of those ad sets, you’re going to have the same three ads. Then you want to turn Campaign Budget Optimization on for the campaign and let Facebook do the heavy lifting.

Because of CBO (campaign budget optimization), it doesn’t really matter how you classify. You don’t need to classify your interests. You just need to have all the ad sets be basically the same size so that the ads get distributed correctly. 


Then just turn CBO. You can do it at a $5 daily budget to start with and just run that for a week or two, you know, $5 over the space of a week. That’s $35. Just do a little test, see which ads are working and see how your ads are performing as well as how the ad sets are performing. 

That’s the easiest way and most simple way to start audience targeting without having to put any extortionate amount of money into your budget.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:26:35] And we’re not even talking creative testing at this point. We’re talking the same creative running against that mom target plus one lifestyle point. For example, moms plus Honest Company. Moms plus this event. Wherever these things are that you had discovered. 

Each of those is a different audience and you find four or five of those to see which is better. Am I interpreting that correctly?

Paul Romando: [00:27:04] Yeah, correct. Let’s say mums plus Honest gives you 50,000 people. You then would add in three, four, or five (depending on how many interests you have) to that first ad set to get that ad set size up to about 250,000 people.


If the research you did in the first few steps that I was explaining five to ten minutes ago gave you an audience size of a million total, you then want to split that audience size up into ad sets through about 250,000 in terms of audience size.

You could have three interests in one ad set, and that could be 250,000 people. In the next ad set, you might have to put twelve interests in to get it up to 250,000 people. Then the next ad set might be five interests together to turn 250,000 people.

The important thing is, don’t worry about classifying the interest in your ad set. Just make sure that the total audience size of each ad set is around about the same size

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:27:56] Does it get confusing if you have twelve in one set, to know which one worked?

Paul Romando: [00:28:00] That’s a great question. It doesn’t really matter about the specific interests overall. It’s more so about the size of the ad set being the same as the size of the other ad sets. 


When you turn Campaign Budget Optimization on, Facebook then works out (at any given point in time that your ads are running,) it would deliver your ads to the adset which is going to give you the lowest cost per result.

Facebook works

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:28:21] All of them make sense. It’s an efficiency thing. All these are the right audience for you, but which one is the right cost? 

Paul Romando: [00:28:34] Correct, and the reason you can do that is because you’ve spent the time doing the audience interest research.

Because you spent so much time, you know that these people that like these pages are going to be your people. As opposed to just doing really basic audience targeting, letting Facebook do the heavy lifting for you and thinking, “Cool. I wonder if this is going to work.” 

Sometimes it might, but a lot of the time it won’t. When you do take the time to do the interest research, and you do it really, really granularly, you take that power back because you know that these are your people you’re going to be speaking to.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:29:54] Well, I do want to take a bit of a pivot here if you’ll allow me.

Paul Romando: [00:30:23] Yeah, for sure. Let’s do it.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:30:24] We’ve geeked out on one piece of Facebook. I appreciate that, but I’ve always had this thorn in my side about the balance of organic content marketing and paid Facebook ads.

The story I often tell is I see people that are spending two to five thousand dollars for someone to manage their organic content, their social media channel, with no traffic driving piece to it. 

They might be spending all this money and maybe three hundred people are watching their channel on Instagram. They are not running Facebook ads. That same amount of money could have generated them 50,000 views instead of four.

However, I know that there’s a balance. I know that there’s the other side of things. Let’s talk a little bit about the balance of organic and Facebook that you’ve seen for your clients and even for your own personal branding, things that you’ve done for yourself.


Paul Romando: [00:31:19] Yeah, for sure. I think it really comes down to what are your overarching business goals? 

Awareness is a crucial part of any successful funnel. 

If you don’t have anything generating awareness with your cold audience, (people that don’t know about your product or business service offering,) then there’s only so much revenue that you can generate from your existing audience before they get tired. Before they don’t want to hear from you anymore. 

I would say in terms of balance, it’s really like how long is a piece of string? 

Let’s say you’re trying to generate eCommerce sales for this, we’ll use the same example. You’re trying to generate eCommerce sales for this three months subscription service for newly borns, this boxing company.


You need general awareness and that general awareness needs to start with your target audience before they’ve had the kid. I mean, just thinking like out loud, I feel like you really want to be generating awareness of your product with your target audience before they’ve had their kid. 

shopping cart

I haven’t experienced having kids, but I’m assuming that planning starts well in advance, right?

You want to basically be brand-aware in your target audience’s mind before they’ve even had their kid. You want to make sure that you’re part of the purchase decision making process before they’ve gone and purchased baby supplies from somewhere else, from a competitor or from just the store.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:32:45] That might be the people that influence new moms the most, which are their friends that have already had kids. Maybe you’re building awareness with them so that they are the ones telling their friends about this thing. I agree, before they’re ready to buy, you might need to be planting the seed.

Paul Romando: [00:32:59] A hundred percent. You might even want to go a bit wider. This goes down to the research and it goes down to testing. These are just ideas. The data is going to point you in the right direction. 

You might want to test ads, not organic because remember, your organic marketing (for this example,) they’re existing audience members. Most of them would be existing audience members that have either purchased from you or that have been recommended by a friend. Word of mouth.


You want to basically be getting in front of people before that. Stereotypically speaking, let’s say you’ve got some industry research and some data. Or you just know that more often than not people tend to have their first kid after they’ve been married for one year.

Just picking out a random piece of data, let’s say that’s the case. Then you’d want to go back to the cold interest targeting, or the cold audience targeting, and start running general awareness ads to people that have been married for a year. Newlyweds, right? 

The goal is not to generate leads. The goal is not to generate conversions. It’s really just to generate either page likes or to generate general awareness and get them in your engagement retargeting funnel on Facebook ads.


When they do have kids or they do get pregnant, then you can start running ads. You’re top of mind. They think, “Oh, that was that boxing company I wonder what that was? I’m going to go Google it.” Then you show up on Google. 

You might just run in general awareness, retargeting ads, and get in front of that audience. Or you might capture them in the next phase of your funnel where you’ve done that cold interest audience research targeting. 

I imagine maybe the customer journey looks like this. You get married, fall pregnant, and then all of a sudden you’re adding yourself to mommy Facebook groups. Your following mommy bloggers, because you’re getting ready and you’re learning and preparing to have a child for the first time. 


Theoretically, you’ll then be captured in the next layer of audience targeting, which will be the layer of targeting that we were talking about earlier in terms of mums that are about to have kids or just have newly borns.

In terms of balancing the organic and the pay, go look at the math. Marketing is as much about math as it is about fun and fluffy creative and the theory. 


If you’re spending say three to five thousand dollars a month on organic management, like you mentioned before, and you’re only getting three hundred people really viewing your content, maybe scale back two or three grand that. If you spend that money, scale back the amount of organic content you’re putting out, and then reinvest that money into the actual ads budget.


You don’t have a wide enough audience. You don’t have a large enough audience base to get your message out in front of. You can do all the organic marketing in the world, but it’s going to be capped at the potential size of your page. 

Let’s say you have a page of about a thousand people and the algorithm is organically only putting your content in front of say fifteen perfect of your audience. It’s one hundred fifty people max that you’re going to be getting in front of. 

If you’re spending that much money, you might want to look at how you can redistribute your budget to: 

1: Generate more awareness from new people, cold audience members.

2: Be targeting your existing audience members.

3: Generate conversions, basically escalating your audience from that awareness through to the point where they actually purchase from you and doing all of that with a positive return on ad spend in mind.


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:36:17] love that. I think it speaks to the right tactic at the right time.

If you don’t have an audience, you need to build an audience. You need to get people into your world to start to understand what you do. If they’re not ready to buy right now, you can nurture them with some of those other organic materials.

There’s this constant cycle of growing a new audience and nurturing that audience that’s heard of you and converting the people that are ready to convert.

I think people maybe choose one piece of the cycle without building the full ecosystem. 


Paul Romando: [00:37:12] One hundred percent and you got to be patient. It takes a long time. 

It can take less time if you’ve got a huge budget. If you’ve got a big budget, budget allows you to buy time essentially. It allows you to build an audience faster. It allows you to scale faster. It allows you to create content at scale. 

However, if you’re starting out and just a startup, you just have to be patient. It takes time. 

Also if you’re still learning and you’re a DIY person, you’ve still got to learn a lot about what works and what doesn’t work. How to actually use the tech, how to do the creative, and then how to scale, optimize, and build your audience. It’s going to take time.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:37:49] Is there anything else you want to say before we go and part ways?

Paul Romando: [00:38:09] Firstly, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it, Brandon. Thank you for the photos that you sent me from my talk at Social Media Marketing World. They’re awesome. 


I think lastly if you are just starting out, I think the best piece of advice I can give you is start with a low daily budget, five bucks a day. Just test and play around to see what works. Five dollars a day can give you a hundred days and you’ve only spent five hundred bucks.

In that time, you’ve still built a bit of an audience. You’ve collected a bit of data. That whole learning experience that you go on with that just that five hundred dollars worth of media spend will be so helpful in terms of setting you up and positioning you to have better Facebook ads success in the future.

benefits of trying

Or it will get you to the point where you think, “Cool. I tried doing it myself. Maybe it’s time that I get someone, an expert that knows what they’re doing. Someone who can help me out. Maybe it’s time that I invest in some paid resources to take me from A to B a lot faster without having to try and Google my way through what I don’t know.”


Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:39:07] Listen to conversations like this one where you can see the people that are out there. They aren’t just doing the work, but explaining all the steps that they take to get to the results that they’ve gotten for their clients. 

It’s not just a case study that they mocked up. They can sit here and tell you that these are all the steps doing that kind of research. 

If there are a million people doing Facebook ads in your city, this kind of chat that we had today is the kind of thing I think that proves it for people. You need to hear this kind of talk.

Paul Romando: [00:39:46] One hundred percent. Also, with picking suppliers or consultants or agencies to work with, one of my biggest rules is to make sure you vibe with the person. Make sure you get along with them. 

If you’re going to be working with them day in and day out, you want to make sure you’ve got at least the foundations of what could be a great relationship.

They could be a fantastic practitioner. However, if you don’t vibe with them on an interpersonal level, my advice would be to find someone that you do vibe with. It’s going to make both of your lives a lot easier when you’re in the trenches and doing Facebook ads together every day.

Brandon Birkmeyer: [00:40:24] I appreciate your time, Paul. That’s all we’ve got for you guys today. If you get a chance to go to Paul’s website and check out more content there if you want to dive deeper into Facebook. Thanks again for coming on today, man.

Paul Romando: [00:40:36] Appreciate you. Thanks so much for having me and thanks to everyone for listening.


Ramondo Media

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